Have you cleared CA foundation course? Registered for CA IPCC course? Want to get top rank in CA IPCC course? Looking for habits of IPCC toppers to become a top ranker in CA IPCC exam? If your answers to these questions are yes, then this post suits you. Here in this blog we are providing details on Habits of IPCC toppers to get top top rank in CA IPCC exam.
CA IPCC is the 2nd level of CA course. Earlier this IPCC level is known as Intermediate level. Chartered Accountancy course is one of the tough and dignified professional course in India. It is the most challenging course. If you have completed CPT course, you have registered for IPCC course. IPCC is the toughest part of CA course.
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Cracking the toughest exam is impossible. IPCC is the 2nd stage of CA course and it has 8 papers which are divided into 2Â groups. You can achieve top rank in IPCC course by following the track records of toppers of IPCC exam. In order to become top rank in IPCC course you should remember 2 things, first thing is that nothing is impossible for a confident person and second thin is practice makes man perfect. So, candidates be confident and practice well in order to get top rank in CA IPCC exam.
Habits of IPCC Toppers
Becoming a topper is not an easy one. The toppers of IPCC exam became toppers after many efforts. Here we are providing some habits of IPCC toppers follow them to get top rank in CA IPCC exam.
Planning – Habits of IPCC Toppers
This is the 1st habit of the IPCC student. To prepare for any exam, first you have to plan. If you fail in planning then you will fail in the exam. Plan your schedule to become CA IPCC topper. Prepare a schedule and plan out your activities to allocate limited time for desired subjects. Make a notes and mention topics to be covered in each subject and write down the topics you studied daily. Plan a schedule to study for 12 to 14 hours a day. Another main thing is give importance to the quality of your study. By proper planning one can easily become topper in IPCC exam.
Follow 8 R’s Formula
- Read the study materials intensively
- Refer only one suggested reference book
- Realize and comprehend the important points and principles of the subject
- Remove doubts by discussing with seniors or teachers
- Record and scribble your own notes
- Revise your notes and study materials
- Recapitulate the main points
- Represent your comprehension and conception neatly and without any ambiguity in your exam.
If you follow these 8 R’s , then result of your IPCC gives you a top rank.
Make Self-Study & Follow Coaching
To get rank in IPCC exam you should self-study. Besides self-study you should choose best coaching center. In coaching center there will be different experienced faculties who guides you in various subjects and you can easily clarify your doubts. By visiting coaching center you can interact with your seniors and classmates which helps you to get more knowledge. Combines study is also suggested to cover all concepts of the syllabus.
Time Management
This is one of the best habits of IPCC toppers. While preparing for exams you should utilize each minute wisely. Manage the time in a day to study well so to cover all the concepts of the syllabus. First have a view of your time regarding month, week, days and hours. Maintain to keep a note of all your activities you perform in a day. By doing like this you can avoid the unproductive activities and can balance the schedule of your studies.
Follow Healthy Habits
To become topper in IPCC exam, one have to follow some habits. maintain balanced and nutritious diet. Try to avoid social media and keep away from distracted interactions. Always try to keep your mind fresh in order to study properly. Go for exercises like meditation and breathing exercises to increase concentration power. Make a habit of doing regular prayer which helps to calm down your mind and it becomes an inner source of motivation.
Take Mock Tests
Many students get tensed and fear to face CA IPCC exams, so to get rid of fear they are advised to take mock tests. In order to become topper in CA IPCC exam you should be away from negative thoughts like fear and panic. The students are advised to take mock tests for 2 times so that they can get a rough idea of the paper and they can know whether 3 hours of time for the exam will be sufficient or not. The students can take mock tests online by visiting various websites.
Answer Specifically – Habits of IPCC Toppers
This is another best habits of IPCC toppers. Try to avoid writing lengthy answers, make your answers to be specific and accurate. While writing answer for a particular question underline the keywords to attract the attention of the evaluator. Don’t overwrite the answers which causes negative impact on evaluator. Try to mention assumptions and notes in your answer sheets.
This is all about habits of IPCC toppers. Try to adopt these habits in order to secure top rank in CA IPCC exam. If you have any suggestions regarding this post, please do comment in below comment section, we will update as early as possible. Stay connects with our site for more recent updates. Thank you for visiting our site team @ www.universitynews.in